6" Wide

Showing 13–15 of 15 results

    4725 557
    6" Wide

    16.5″ x 6″ Eaton ES1 Style Relined Brake Shoe. FMSI 4725, Frasle 557 Lining. 4725557 tags: Frasle Lined Shoes , 6″ Wide

    5 at various locations
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    4725 557-BOND
    6" Wide

    16.5″ x 6″ Eaton ES1 Style Relined Brake Shoe. FMSI 4725, Frasle 557 Lining. 4725557BOND tags: Frasle Lined Shoes , 6″ Wide

    10 at various locations
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    6" Wide

    16.5″ x 6″ Eaton ES1 Style Relined Brake Shoe. FMSI 4725, HDA H23 Premium Lining. tags: HDA Lined Shoes , 6″ Wide

    11 at various locations
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